eco oasis landscape

Garden Maintenance

Garden Maintenance

Introducing Garden Maintenance by Eco Oasis Landscape, your dedicated partner in preserving the charm and vitality of your outdoor sanctuary. Powered by Muhammad Yousif Ghulam Landscape & Gardening L.L.C., our service goes beyond simple upkeep; we provide tailored care to ensure your garden thrives in Dubai’s unique climate.

Why Choose Garden Maintenance from Eco Oasis Landscape?

With years of experience in Dubai's gardening scene, our team possesses the expertise needed to deliver personalized care that meets the specific needs of your garden. From routine tasks to specialized treatments, we prioritize the health and beauty of your outdoor space, ensuring it remains a source of joy year-round.

Customized Care for Your Garden

At Eco Oasis Landscape, we understand that every garden is unique. Whether you boast a sprawling estate or a cozy urban oasis, our maintenance services are meticulously tailored to suit your garden's individual requirements. From lush greenery to vibrant blooms, we ensure that every aspect of your garden receives the attention it deserves.

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Harmony

As stewards of the environment, we are committed to employing sustainable practices in all aspects of our maintenance services. From eco-friendly fertilizers to water-conserving irrigation methods, we strive to promote ecological balance while nurturing the growth and vitality of your garden.

Comprehensive Service, Reliable Results

Our comprehensive maintenance plans cover all facets of garden care, from regular pruning and weeding to seasonal treatments and irrigation management. With our dependable team at your service, you can rest assured that your garden will flourish under our attentive stewardship, maintaining its beauty and allure throughout the year.

Our Services

Your Path to Serenity with EcoOasis Landscape

Routine Maintenance

Regular upkeep tasks, including mowing, pruning, weeding, and edging, to maintain your garden's aesthetic appeal. Our team meticulously tends to every detail, ensuring that your garden remains tidy and well-groomed.

Seasonal Treatments

Tailored care such as fertilization, pest control, and seasonal planting to support healthy growth and vibrant blooms. We assess your garden's needs throughout the year, providing targeted treatments to enhance its beauty and resilience.

Irrigation Management

Efficient water management strategies, including irrigation system maintenance and adjustments, to ensure optimal hydration for your plants while conserving resources. Our experts optimize irrigation schedules and systems to promote healthy growth and minimize water waste.

Your Path to Serenity with EcoOasis Landscape


The cost of garden maintenance varies depending on factors such as the size of your garden, the specific services required, and the frequency of maintenance visits. For a personalized quote, contact Eco Oasis Landscape for a consultation.

The frequency of garden maintenance visits depends on factors such as the season, the type of plants in your garden, and your specific preferences. Our team can recommend a maintenance schedule tailored to your garden’s needs during the consultation.

Yes, at Eco Oasis Landscape, we prioritize environmentally friendly practices. We offer organic fertilizers, pest control solutions, and other eco-friendly products to promote the health of your garden while minimizing environmental impact.

Absolutely! We have a portfolio showcasing our past garden maintenance projects, along with testimonials from satisfied clients. Feel free to request references or view our portfolio during your consultation with Eco Oasis Landscape.

What People Are Saying...

Client Testimonial

Having Eco Oasis Landscape Company maintain my pool has been a lifesaver! Before, keeping the water clear and balanced felt like a constant battle. Since they started their regular cleaning and maintenance visits, my pool has stayed sparkling all season. Their technicians are thorough, professional, and always explain what they're doing. I also appreciate their eco-friendly approach to pool chemicals. Now I can spend less time worrying about the pool and more time enjoying it with my family. Eco Oasis gets my highest recommendation!
Layla Hassan

Schedule your free consultation today and discuss your vision with our expert team.